The beauty of things that never happen!

“My faith in you is fading….” – Sang Taylor Swift in her “Love story”. But we all have blurred faiths everyday, don’t we. Because bad days and bad chapters are all parts of everyone’s lives. Though, staying positive might sound all optimistic, irony is that, we are all walking the path of fake optimism. We fail to realise the pain, walk through it, take lessons and be a better person. Rather, we simply blame it on fate or leave our fingers crossed for a better future.

My question is, “Is that even possible?” “Are just wishes and dreams enough to create a happy reality?” – I don’t believe it is.

Talking of fate brings me to those various serious incidents that were about to/meant to happen, but never did. Those might have been the turning points in all our lives. Maybe a career shift or a break up or starting a new life in a new place. Anything that was meant to happen but never did might have given us so much pain. Sometimes it would have wrecked our lives. But guess what?

It’s all for good. Because we never get to see how things would have turned up on the other side of such incidents. And the blind faith and trust that we hold on fate that, “Everything happens for a reason”, is definitely worth it.

What if it happened and turned out to be a bad end?

What if you never made it through the path that you badly wanted?

What if you suffered so much in the journey that you were about to take?

Here is a little piece of advice. Hold on and grieve the pain. Let it sink in and let it just stay. But come out stronger. And believe in manifesting for good things while you endure the suffering and evolve into a butterfly.

Life is the biggest mystery, a complex design with multiple close-to-climax scenes, twist and what not. While it is difficult to accept the fact that something you wished for never happened now, walking through it with courage will definitely throw up a smile several years down the lane. One day it would all make sense and you’d definitely know why it never happened.

Because the beauty of that never happened can never be relished at the point of incidence. Scientifically, it acts like torque or maybe if you are a philosophy person, then it’s the butterfly effect. Whatever be it, we end up where we are destined to be, or rather where we manifest us to be.

Appreciating this and learning to survive the storm is all I can tell you now. But when you pass through the stormy night, you’ll definitely find the moon, tranquil and calm in all the beauty she is. So just hold your faiths high and let’s figure it out while relishing the little happiness in the beauty of things that never happened.



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