Embracing endurance

Life isn’t what it seems to be. Because gravity doesn’t hold true for emotions and desires. You might love what you are doing at the moment. But the question is how far you’d go to keep holding on to this thing. Will you still love it 10 or 20 years down the lane is a million dollar question. Consider your passion, your favourite person or your hobby, the graph of life is always a wave. You’d have deeper trenches than high peaks. But it’s about how well you push yourself uphill that will keep your life interesting and worth living.

With life being uncertain, most people talk about living in the moment. But only when you prepare to endure and hold on to something through pain or pleasure will you start enjoying the roller coaster of emotions it puts you through. Endurance is more of a promise, more of preparing yourself to fight for what you think your heart desires. It’s easy to switch to better or rather easier options. But that doesn’t really make life interesting, does it? What’s the point in starting fresh everyday when you can still write the best selling serial with all the happenings in your routine.

So what is the key to endurance?

Make sure that you’re staunch at what you want/ what you’d love to do in life. Start real slow. By this I mean REAL SLOW. Begin steady and build through gradual steps. The initial days are not going to be rainforests. It’d be more of a strangle through a desert with an oasis of hope or maybe a mirage. But it’s all fine, because that energy is just sufficient to keep your heart’s desire burning. Make sure that you see growth in you and place reality checks just to make sure that you aren’t pulled into a tornado of imaginations. Keeping yourself grounded is equally important. And when eventually every piece in the puzzle falls in place, give a shout out to this world. Let people watch you win your dream. And if possible, be the one who’d help others fix their puzzle together. Because only when we stop dragging down our kith and kin we’ll all grow together, eliminating the ultimate need to reach heavens.

Embrace endurance and watch the beauty of little things around you unfurl. Because the world needs more people who can endure, sustain and achieve rather than change makers, innovators and trendsetters.

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